Customer Success Automation Glossary

Explore commonly used AI customer success and AI agents terms.

Upsell, retain, and recover revenue with AI agents

Everything you need to automate personalized customer success for long-tail of your customers.



CRM that uses artificial intelligence to automate sales tasks & analyze data. For example, automatically moving deals through pipeline stages.

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AI Sales Applications

AI Sales Applications

AI tools enhancing SaaS or other business sales process by automating repetitive tasks.

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AI Sales Negotiation

AI Sales Negotiation

This is a system where sales negotiations are handled by artificial intelligence, reducing the need for human involvement.

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AI Sales Rep

AI Sales Rep

An AI-powered individual responsible for managing sales operations. Innovations like AskToSell have now enabled companies to utilize artificial intelligence for their sales.

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Account Executive

Account Executive

Rep who manages client relationships and closes sales.

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Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

A targeted strategy that engages specific, named accounts as markets of one.

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AskToSell’s the only platform that solves the full sales cycle for small deals. Automates every step from outreach till the deal is closed.

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Automated B2B Sales

Automated B2B Sales

The process of utilizing autonomous AI systems to handle business to business sales.

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Automated Deal Closing

Automated Deal Closing

This involves using a system, like AskToSell, to finalize a sales deal without manual intervention.

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Automated Sales Offers

Automated Sales Offers

Automated Sales Offers: A method where proposals or deals are automatically presented to potential customers using AI technology.

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Autonomous Sales Agent

Autonomous Sales Agent

A new shift in sales, autonomous sales agents handle your leads, qualify sales, prepare offers, and close deals automatically.

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Buyer Persona

Buyer Persona

A semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about your existing customers.

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C-level Sign-off

C-level Sign-off

Approval needed from the lead's top management for sales contracts.

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Call-To-Action (CTA)

Call-To-Action (CTA)

This is a directive to the lead or prospect that encourages them to take some form of required action.

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Churn Rate

Churn Rate

The rate at which customers stop doing business with an entity within a certain timeframe.

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Cold Call

Cold Call

The attempt to reach out to a consumer by phone without prior contact to try and sell a good or service.

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Conversion Rate

Conversion Rate

The percentage of visitors to a website who take a designated action, such as making a purchase.

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Selling additional products or services to an existing client.

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Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

The cost to secure a new customer.

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Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

A technology for managing all your company's relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers to improve business relationships.

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Customer Retention

Customer Retention

A set of actions or activities companies take to reduce customer defections.

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Customer Success

Customer Success

Team ensuring customers achieve desired outcomes using your software. Are responsible for revenue expasion from existing customers.

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Discovery Call

Discovery Call

Initial call to understand a prospect’s needs and fit for software or other product.

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Executive Champion

Executive Champion

Top level exec who advocates for your product within client's company.

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A business model, where basic services are provided free of charge while more advanced features must be paid for.

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A person who controls access to decision-makers within a company. In sales, they usually hold various roles, such as personal assistants or receptionists.

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Growth Hacking

Growth Hacking

Marketing strategy primarily used in tech and SaaS businesses to attract and retain customers. It involves constant testing, data analytics, and original thinking to rapidly grow a business' customer base.

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Hybrid Sales Model

Hybrid Sales Model

Sales strategy that combines direct and indirect sales. In a SaaS setting, this could mean selling directly through a sales team, and indirectly through resellers or affiliates.

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An advanced way of segmenting potential customers. It uses things like browsing history, purchase history, or user behavior to make marketing efforts more effective. For a SaaS business, this could mean segmenting customers based on their usage of specific features.

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Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

A descriptive model of a company's optimal customer featuring key characteristics like size, industry, technology, behavior or any other parameter relevant to your business.

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Inbound Sales

Inbound Sales

The process where potential customers reach out or initiate contact because of interests they have in your goods or services.

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Journey Mapping

Journey Mapping

This is a way of creating a visual representation of a customer's interaction with a SaaS platform over time. It helps to identify areas where a business can improve the user experience, thereby increasing the probability of conversions.

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Just-in-Time Sales Training

Just-in-Time Sales Training

Process where training resources are provided on an as-needed basis. Ideally, it's applied in SaaS sales to equip sales reps with skills to handle new challenges as they arise.

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Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

A KPI refers to a measure used to evaluate the success of a company, team or a person in meeting its objectives.

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LLM Ops (Large Language Model Ops)

LLM Ops (Large Language Model Ops)

A methodology for implementing, managing, and optimizing large language models in business operations. For instance, deploying AI sales agents for small deals.

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Large Language Models (LLMs)

Large Language Models (LLMs)

AI tools capable of understanding and generating human-like text, which can be utilized in sales to automate tasks such as drafting emails, responding to customer inquiries, or generating sales copy, ultimately automating and enhancing the communication aspect of the sales process.

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Lead Gen

Lead Gen

The process of generating interest from potential SaaS customers.

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Lead Qualification Automation

Lead Qualification Automation

The process of using artificial intelligence to automatically determine the potential of leads to become paying customers.

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Lead Research Specialist

Lead Research Specialist

Sales team member who is responsible for delivery high-quality, targeted lead lists to your Sales Development Reps or directly to Account Executives.

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Lead Score

Lead Score

A prioritization system in sales that ranks potential customers based on their likelihood to convert into a sale.

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Prospective customers who have shown interest in a product or service and are thus on the radar for a potential sale.

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Lifetime Value (LTV)

Lifetime Value (LTV)

Prediction of the net profit attributed to the entire future relationship with a customer.

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Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation

A software platform used to automate repetitive tasks in marketing. SaaS sales teams can leverage marketing automation to nurture leads and follow up with prospects efficiently.

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Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

A measure of the predictable revenue a SaaS company can expect on a monthly basis. This is critical to building an understanding of your growth health and revenue trajectory.

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Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

A metric for evaluating customer satisfaction and loyalty. It's an essential tool in SaaS sales to ensure consistent service quality & client retention.

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Nurture Campaigns

Nurture Campaigns

Marketing initiatives aimed at developing relationships with potential customers across each stage of the sales funnel. It's a key part of the SaaS sales process, helping to move leads from awareness to purchase.

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Objection Handling

Objection Handling

The process of addressing and overcoming potential buyer's concerns about a product

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Objection Handling Automation

Objection Handling Automation

An AI-based software used to resolve customer objections automatically during the sales process.

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Outbound Sales

Outbound Sales

The traditional approach, where a sales representative initiates the first contact with customers.

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Pricing Quote / Proposal

Pricing Quote / Proposal

Formal offer of SaaS product pricing to a prospect.

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A potential customer who has been researched and vetted and has met qualified benchmarks.

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The process of assessing whether a lead has the necessary budget, need, and capability to purchase a product or service

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Quota Attainment

Quota Attainment

The percentage of a set sales target that a rep has achieved.

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Ramp Period

Ramp Period

The time it takes a new rep to reach full productivity - hit the quota.

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Renewal Rate

Renewal Rate

The percentage of customers who renew their software subscription.

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Return on Investment (ROI)

Return on Investment (ROI)

Measurement used to evaluate the profitability or efficiency of an investment.

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Revenue Attainment

Revenue Attainment

The total revenue a sales rep pulls in over a time to meet quota.

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Revenue Expansion

Revenue Expansion

Sales to existing customers, including cross-selling into additional products, upselling into higher margin products, increasing upselling within the existing product.

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Revenue Operations

Revenue Operations

Department optimizing full customer lifecycle from lead to renewal.

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Sales Automation

Sales Automation

The use of software, AI, or other digital tools to automate repetitive sales tasks, like follow-ups, lead qualifying and even negotiations.

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Sales Autopilot

Sales Autopilot

An automatic control system used to manage the entire sales process. AskToSell is one such service platform offering sales autopilot for small-sized deals.

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Sales Cycle

Sales Cycle

The series of predictable phases that a salesperson goes through to close a deal, including prospecting, initiating contact, identifying and overcoming objections, closing, and following up.

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Sales Cycle Automation

Sales Cycle Automation

The application of technology to automate the stages in the sales cycle, allowing for reduced manual labor and increased efficiency.

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Sales Development Rep (SDR)

Sales Development Rep (SDR)

SDRs are responsible for filling the top of the sales funnel with leads through outbound prospecting. SDRs are typically fresh grads in their first sales role.

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Sales Enablement

Sales Enablement

Resources given to sales teams to help them sell more effectively, may be tools, technology, process, and content.

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Sales Funnel

Sales Funnel

The visual metaphor for the path taken by a potential customer as he or she moves towards making a purchase.

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Sales Operations

Sales Operations

Team managing sales process, tools, strategy and data.

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Sales Pipeline

Sales Pipeline

An organized approach to selling a product or service where you fill one end with leads and aim to convert them into customers.

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Sales Process Autopilot

Sales Process Autopilot

Implementing automation systems to control and manage the entire sales process.

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Sales Prospecting

Sales Prospecting

The action of seeking out new customers for a business.

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Sales Rep Quota

Sales Rep Quota

A target set for each sales rep to achieve in a specific period.

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Small Deals

Small Deals

Sales with low contract value but high volume, often faster to close.

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Small Deals Automation

Small Deals Automation

The use of automation to manage, track, and optimize small deal processes.

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Total Addressable Market (TAM)

Total Addressable Market (TAM)

Represents the total potential sales for a SaaS product or service. It helps SaaS companies identify the growth potential and competitive landscape.

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Trial-to-Paid Conversion Rate

Trial-to-Paid Conversion Rate

This metric shows the percentage of trial users who become paid customers. It helps SaaS businesses understand the effectiveness of their product and sales strategies.

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Encouraging customers to purchase a comparable higher-end product than the one in question.

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Value Proposition

Value Proposition

The unique value a company promises to deliver to its customers.

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